Pulled in Every Direction | Pieta

Full Title: Pieta
Series: Pulled in Every Direction: Guiding Values that Pull Us Together
Speaker: Sam Lee
Date: February 5, 2023
Reading: Exodus 35:30–35


About the Series

Pulled in Every Direction

Join us in-person or online Sundays as we continue in our series Pulled in Every Direction: How shared values help us pull together in the same direction.

What do values mean? Why should people care? Are they just content for a website or are they a living document in our church family? 

Our shared values help us be united and focused in the midst of a diverse community and in a world with an unending list of needs. We cannot do everything, and so we seek to live out who God has called us to be as a particular community as a response to core beliefs about who God is. 

When the world and individual opinions and perspectives pull us in every direction, our discerned shared values guide us as we seek to pull together in our shared journey.


Pulled in Every Direction | Woke Jesus


Pulled in Every Direction | Winding Our Way to the Centre