Return to Me, and I will Return to You

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bible Verse: Malachi 3:7-12

The Israelites had turned from God’s decrees, yet somehow are oblivious to their covenant breaking. They were supposed to care for the Levites and the Temple through their tithes and offerings, but instead were robbing God, and it was having an economic impact on the nation. God challenges them to “test him”, take a chance on him and he will be found faithful to provide.


About the Series

Malachi: Steadfast Waiting

For December and the Advent Season, the series for our Worship Gathering is 'Malachi: Steadfast Waiting'. The message of Malachi to remain faithful to God’s covenantal relationship through the wait is the last message of God to his people before sending Jesus over 400 years later.


Jesus Immanuel


You Have Wearied the Lord with Your Words