The Parables of Jesus | Small beginnings

Full Title: Small Beginnings
Series: Ears to Hear: The Parables of Jesus
Speaker: Greg Kay
Date: January 23, 2022
Reading: Matthew 13:31-36


About the Series

Ears to Hear: The Parables of Jesus

Jesus’ parables were not so much “earthly stories with heavenly meaning” as they were stories that stir up a response in the hearers and gave a picture of what the ways of heaven look like as they are on earth in the Kingdom of God. They stir subversive Kingdom imagination and wonder in those who have ears to hear. But for those who do not have ears to hear, they are shocking, defamatory and infuriating. Let us have Ears to Hear, cultivating the soil of our lives so that the seeds of Jesus’ words can bloom to life in us..


The Parables of Jesus | The Way of Righteousness


The Parables of Jesus | Lost and Found