
Spiritual Practices

Prayer is essential to us, and there are so many different and helpful ways to pray. Below, you will find resources that you can try, and we hope they may help you grow in your relationship with God.

  • Practicing Lament - Prayers of lament give voice to the pain, hurt, and rage experienced in the face of suffering and injustice, whether individual or communal.

  • The Breath Prayer - Breath Prayers are short prayers, one phrase that can be either petitions or praises. They are usually no longer than 7-9 syllables. They help still our busy minds to focus on one thing—God.

  • The Prayer of Examen - The Prayer of Examen is not an introspective examination of self, but rather inviting the Holy Spirit to search us and speak to us. “Lord, You have searched (examined) me and You know me” (Psalm 139:1).

  • Imaginative Prayer is entering into the narrative of Scripture through engaging the imagination while reading and contemplating a passage of Scripture.

  • The Labyrinth - A prayer labyrinth is a sacred pattern that leads you on a prescribed path to its center and back out again.

  • Lectio Divina - Lectio Divina is Latin for “divine reading”, an ancient way of reading and meditating on scripture dating

    as far back as the 5th century, with the value of reading to be formed rather than informed.

  • The Lord’s Prayer – A Contemplative Approach

  • Visio Divina - (Divine Seeing) What we behold is what we become. As we are beholden by so many different images, it is essential for us to take the time to behold the Lord. Here is an image that used this Sunday, October 29th, 2023.

More to come soon…